LEGAL NOTICES is an apolitical non profit web site created solely as a tribute to the battleship Bismarck and to preserve the memory of her crew. This web site provides visitors with a most comprehensive information, and except for the books sold through, is not officially associated with any organization, group or entity.

All images on this web site remain the property of their original owners unless otherwise stated. There are also many original images, graphics, and drawings that have been created specifically for use within this web site only.

We have made efforts to acknowledge and give proper credit to any resource that have assisted us in the creation of this web site. For a list of resources please take a look at the Sources and Credits sections. If you would like to contribute any material or information to this site, please contact José M. Rico.

Materials contained within this site are here for your personal use only, and copying, distribution, or any other commercial use of the materials herein, is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the author of this site.

This web site also contains links to numerous web sites. We have no responsibility for the contents of those sites, and provide these links solely for the convenience of our readers.


Copyright © 1998-2002